Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lesson 24

Project 8 - Concept Development

Project 8 Research

Project 7 Deliverable

Comment Replies

People liked seemed to like the logo and the effects that I added with it.  It seemed to be a majority opinion that I should remove the fade to white.  Possibly a fading to black effect would appear more professional.

Project 7 - Presentation

Matthew Mensher
-The 'logic' of the sequential build of elements does work, it looks great!
-everything supports the concept, yes
-you could make it a bit slower and less choppy, maybe change the colors and fading
-not much use of transitions, it just happens
-images? no effects? definitely filters? certainly

Looked at Brian Eisenbergs as well, it looks great, everything above the same except his flowed much better.

Concept Development - Project 7

Project 7- Research

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lesson 6 stacking tables

Project 6 - Concept Development

Project 6 Researh

Gears of War Title Screen

Halo 3 Title Screen

Project 5 Participation

Based on the comments I have posted above about my own work, I feel that there is still much room for improvement.  It appears I forgot to post a playable character, which I will make sure I do not miss any steps next time.  As well I could have added more photos to each mood board, other than that it appears everyone seemed to like what I have put together.

Comment on John Aromando's work:
Comment on Matthew Mensher's work:

Comment on Olivia Gutierrez's work:

Project 5 Deliverable

Final Product:
Background with layers:
Text with Layers: